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Predictors of non-fatal suicide attempts among Veterans Health Administration (VHA) patients who experienced military sexual trauma.

Hein TC, Austin K, Grau PP, Keith JA, Claes NJ, Bowersox NW. Predictors of non-fatal suicide attempts among Veterans Health Administration (VHA) patients who experienced military sexual trauma. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 2024 Apr 1; 54(2):263-274.

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OBJECTIVE: Military sexual trauma (MST) has been identified as a risk factor for suicidal behavior. To inform suicide prevention efforts within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), this study evaluates predictors of non-fatal suicide attempts (NFSAs) among VHA patients who experienced MST. METHODS: For VHA patients in fiscal year (FY) 2019 who previously screened positive for a history of MST, documented NFSAs were assessed. Using multivariable logistic regression, demographic, clinical, and VHA care utilization predictors of NFSAs were assessed. RESULTS: Of the 212,215 VHA patients who screened positive for MST prior to FY 2019 and for whom complete race, service connection, and rurality information was available, 1742 (0.8%) had a documented NFSA in FY 2019. In multivariable logistic regression analyses, total physical and mental health morbidities were not associated with NFSA risk. Predictors of a documented NFSA included specific mental health diagnoses [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) range: 1.28-1.94], receipt of psychotropic medication prescriptions (aOR range: 1.23-2.69) and having a prior year emergency department visit (aOR? = 1.32) or inpatient psychiatric admission (aOR? = 2.15). CONCLUSIONS: Among VHA patients who experienced MST, specific mental health conditions may increase risk of NFSAs, even after adjustment for overall mental health morbidity. Additionally, indicators of severity of mental health difficulties such as receipt of psychotropic medication prescriptions and inpatient psychiatric admissions are also associated with increased risk above and beyond risk associated with diagnoses. Findings highlight targets for suicide prevention initiatives among this vulnerable group within VHA and may help identify patients who would benefit from additional support.

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