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Weaver FM, Cao L, Stroupe KT, Gonzalez B, Brown E, Colletta K, Tanner CM, Goldman SM. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Risk of Parkinson's Disease in a Veteran Cohort. Journal of Parkinson's disease. 2024 Jan 1; 14(6):1265-1269.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be a risk factor for Parkinson''s disease (PD). We examined the relation between PTSD and PD in a cohort of 158,122 Veterans who had any Veterans Health Administration (VHA) or Medicare health care utilization between 10/1/1999- 2/17/2021. Using a nested case-control design we matched 10 controls to each Veteran with PD by sex, race, and rank. In conditional logistic regression models adjusted for camp and smoking, a PTSD diagnosis was significantly associated with PD (OR? = 1.35; p? = 0.0002); odds were higher if PTSD was coded before PD (OR? = 1.53, p? < 0.0001). PTSD may be a risk factor for PD.