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Implementation of patient priorities-aligned care in a home-based primary care program.

Jamieson K, Ogedengbe O, Naik AD, Kiefer L, Tak C, Atkins C, Woodall T. Implementation of patient priorities-aligned care in a home-based primary care program. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA. 2023 Oct 30; 64(1):96-103.

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BACKGROUND: Older adults may be limited in their ability to access care that meets their health goals owing to disease burden, financial instability, and psychosocial barriers. A home-based primary care (HBPC) program established in 2020 within a large family medicine practice uses the Patient Priorities Care (PPC) approach to identify and address patients'' health priorities. When incorporated as part of the HBPC model of care, the PPC approach has the potential to enhance person-centered care for older adults in a way that best supports their health goals. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to summarize common recommendations for alignment of care with patients'' health outcome goals after implementation of the PPC approach in an HBPC population. METHODS: This retrospective study was exempt from review by an institutional review board. After enrollment in the HBPC program, patients participated in a PPC priorities identification conversation to identify their health outcome goals and care preferences. Through chart review, 2 researchers independently categorized these goals based on the set of values they most reflect: connecting, managing health, enjoying life, and functioning. Aspects of care in place before enrollment in HBPC were considered to determine any adjustments that needed to be made to align care with patients'' identified priorities. RESULTS: The most common value associated with patients'' most desired health outcome goal was functioning (n  = 33, 66%). For secondary and tertiary health outcome goals, the most common value identified was managing health (secondary, n  = 28, 56%; tertiary, n  = 22, 44%). Common recommendations made to align care with patients'' identified priorities included stopping potentially harmful medications, starting medications for untreated conditions, starting physical or occupational therapy, and adjusting medications. CONCLUSION: Through the PPC approach, patients'' values were identified and care was assessed to aid in attainment of individualized health outcome goals and tailor care to What Matters most.

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