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Lateness of Acetaminophen and Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Administrations in a Retrospective Cohort of Medication Administration Records Among Patients After Cesarean Delivery.

Ituk US, Dexter F, Hadlandsmyth KE. Lateness of Acetaminophen and Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Administrations in a Retrospective Cohort of Medication Administration Records Among Patients After Cesarean Delivery. Cureus. 2024 May 1; 16(5):e61433.

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INTRODUCTION: In an earlier study of patients after cesarean delivery, the concurrent versus alternating administration of acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs was associated with a substantial reduction in total postoperative opioid use. This likely pharmacodynamic effect may differ if the times when nurses administer acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs often differ substantively from when they are due. We examined the "lateness" of analgesic dose administration times, the positive difference if administered late, and the negative value if early. METHODS: The retrospective cohort study used all 67,900 medication administration records for scheduled (i.e., not "as needed") acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and ketorolac among all 3,163 cesarean delivery cases at the University of Iowa between January 2021 and December 2023. Barcode scanning at the patient''s bedside was used right before each medication administration. RESULTS: There were 95% of doses administered over a 4.8-hour window, from 108 minutes early (97.5% one-sided upper confidence limit 105 minutes early) to 181 minutes late (97.5% one-sided lower limit 179 minutes late). Fewer than half of doses (46%, P < 0.0001) were administered ±30 minutes of the due time. The intraclass correlation coefficient was approximately 0.11, showing that there were small systematic differences among patients. There likewise were small to no systematic differences in lateness based on concurrent administrations of acetaminophen and ibuprofen or ketorolac, time of the day that medications were due, weekday, year, or number of medications to be administered among all such patients within 15 minutes. DISCUSSION: Other hospitals should check the lateness of medication administration when that would change their ability to perform or apply the results of analgesic clinical trials (e.g., simultaneous versus alternating administration).

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