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HSR&D Citation Abstract

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Cancer-related knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors among Hispanic/Latino residents of Indiana.

Espinoza-Gutarra MR, Rawl SM, Maupome G, O'Leary HA, Valenzuela RE, Malloy C, Golzarri-Arroyo L, Parker E, Haunert L, Haggstrom DA. Cancer-related knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors among Hispanic/Latino residents of Indiana. Cancer medicine. 2023 Mar 1; 12(6):7470-7484.

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BACKGROUND: Cancer is the leading cause of death for Hispanics in the USA. Screening and prevention reduce cancer morbidity and mortality. METHODS: This study administered a cross-sectional web-based survey to self-identified Hispanic residents in the state of Indiana to assess their cancer-related knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors, as well as to identify what factors might be associated with cancer screening and prevention. Chi-square and Fisher''s exact test were used to compare associations and logistic regression used to develop both univariate and multivariate regression models. RESULTS: A total of 1520 surveys were completed, median age of respondents was 53, 52% identified as men, 50.9% completed the survey in Spanish, and 60.4% identified the USA as their country of birth. Most were not able to accurately identify ages to begin screening for breast, colorectal, or lung cancer, and there were significant differences in cancer knowledge by education level. US-born individuals with higher income and education more often believed they were likely to develop cancer and worry about getting cancer. Sixty eight percent of respondents were up-to-date with colorectal, 44% with breast, and 61% with cervical cancer screening. Multivariate models showed that higher education, lack of fatalism, older age, lower household income, and unmarried status were associated with cervical cancer screening adherence. CONCLUSIONS: Among a Hispanic population in the state of Indiana, factors associated with cervical cancer screening adherence were similar to the general population, with the exceptions of income and marital status. Younger Hispanic individuals were more likely to be adherent with breast and colorectal cancer screening, and given the higher incidence of cancer among older individuals, these results should guide future research and targeted outreach.

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