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Katon JG, Tartaglione V, Eleazer JR, Frayne SM, Haeger KO, Schule AK, Luo S, Offer C, Phibbs CS, Rose DE, Saechao F, Shankar M, Shaw J, Vinekar KS, Yano EM, Christy AY, Johnson AM. State of Reproductive Health Volume II: VA Reproductive Health Diagnoses and Organization of Care. Washington, DC: Office of Women's Health, Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs; 2023 Jan 1. 1-52 p.
This second report of the State of Reproductive Health (Volume II) is an important next step in continuing to understand key aspects of reproductive and sexual health through Veterans Health Administration (VHA) health care services. This report is based on program evaluation analyses conducted by the Office of Women's Health (OWH) and the Women's Health Evaluation Initiative. The report will summarize the reproductive and sexual health needs of women/gender diverse Veterans and describe how these needs have changed over time, including variation by age, race/ethnicity, and rurality; summarize the change in availability and organization of reproductive and sexual health care services in VHA over time; and provide information on special topics related to the reproductive and sexual health of Veterans receiving care through VHA. (2023) Executive Summary Reproductive and sexual health (RSH) is a core component of comprehensive health care and plays a critical role in enabling people to enjoy life, remain healthy, and actively contribute to their communities. Reproductive and sexual health is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) to include all matters relating to the reproductive system and its functions and processes. This is a report produced by Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Office of Women's Health that focuses on RSH of women/gender-diverse Veterans.1 The objectives of this second State of Reproductive Health Report are to: 1. 2. Summarize the RSH needs of women/gender-diverse Veterans and describe how these needs have changed over time, including variation by age, race/ethnicity, and rurality Summarize the change in availability and organization of RSH care services in VHA over time This information, combined with the growing canon of peer-reviewed literature, is essential for informing continued quality improvement, program expansion, and policy efforts related to VHA RSH care.