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Woods SP, Matchanova A, Alex C, Rahman S, Babicz MA, Sullivan KL, Avci G, Hasbun R, Fazeli PL, Giordano TP. A pilot study of cognition and creativity among persons with HIV disease referred for neuropsychological evaluation. Journal of neurovirology. 2022 Dec 1; 28(4-6):595-605.
Creativity can help people to innovate, overcome obstacles, and successfully navigate challenges in daily life. Some aspects of creativity rely on the prefrontostriatal loops and executive functions, which can be compromised in persons with HIV (PWH). This pilot study examined whether neuropsychological functioning plays a role in creativity in PWH. A consecutive series of 41 PWH who were referred to an urban neuropsychology clinic in southeastern Texas were enrolled. Participants completed the Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA) to measure creativity, from which standardized creativity scores of fluency, originality, elaboration, and flexibility were derived. Participants also completed several measures of everyday functioning and a brief clinical neuropsychological battery measuring executive functions, motor skills, memory, and visuoconstruction. Global neuropsychological functioning showed a large, positive association with ATTA creativity performance that did not vary meaningfully by creativity domain and was independent of premorbid IQ. ATTA creativity scores were not associated with any measure of everyday functioning. Findings from this pilot study suggest that higher levels of neuropsychological functioning may support multiple dimensions of creativity in adults with HIV disease. Future studies might examine whether creativity moderates the association between HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment and various health behaviors (e.g., adherence, appointment attendance).