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Fix GM, Haltom TM, Cogan AM, Shimada SL, Davila JA. Understanding Patients' Preferences and Experiences During an Electronic Health Record Transition. Journal of general internal medicine. 2023 Aug 14.
BACKGROUND: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has embarked on the largest system-wide electronic health record (EHR) transition in history. To date, most research on EHR-to-EHR transitions has focused on employee and system transition-related needs, with limited focus on how patients experience transitions. OBJECTIVE: (1) Understand patients'' preferences for information and support prior to an EHR transition, and (2) examine actual patient experiences that occurred at facilities that implemented a new EHR. DESIGN: We used a two-step approach. We had discussions with geographically diverse patient advisory groups. Discussions informed semi-structured, qualitative interviews with patients. PARTICIPANTS: Patients affected by the EHR transition. MAIN MEASURES: We met with four patient advisory groups at sites that had not transitioned their EHR. Interviews were conducted with patients who received care at one of two facilities that recently transitioned to the new EHR. KEY RESULTS: Patient advisors identified key areas important to patients during an EHR transition. 1) Use a range of communication strategies to reach diverse populations, especially older, rural patients. 2) Information about the EHR transition should be clear and reinforce trustworthiness. 3) Patients will need guidance using the new patient portal. From the patient interviews, we learned if and how these key areas mapped onto patients'' experiences. Patients at the sites that had transitioned learned about the new EHR through a variety of modalities, including letters and banners on the patient portal. However, their experiences varied in terms of information quality, leading to frustrations during and between healthcare encounters. Patient portal issues exacerbated frustrations. These raised concerns about the accuracy and security of the overall EHR. CONCLUSIONS: Maintaining clear communication across patients, local leadership, and providers throughout an EHR transition is essential for successful implementation. Patient-facing communications can set expectations, and help patients receive adequate support, particularly related to the patient portal.