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Pahwa S, Deeks S, Zou S, Tomitch N, Miller-Novak L, Caler E, Justice A, Sacktor N, Gabuzda D, Hunt PW, Brown T, Kurth A, Baral S, Mugavero M, Mayer KH, Mendenhall E, Detels R, Mutabazi V. NIH Workshop on HIV-Associated Comorbidities, Coinfections, and Complications: Summary and Recommendation for Future Research. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999). 2021 Jan 1; 86(1):11-18.
BACKGROUND: With potent antiretroviral therapy and simplified regimens, people living with HIV (PWH) are achieving near-normal lifespans but not necessarily a normal health span or healthy aging. PWH have a higher than expected risk of developing a number of non-AIDS comorbidities, coinfections, and complications (CCC), often against a background of stigma, poverty, and isolation. SETTING: To gain a better understanding of research needs for HIV-associated CCC, the NIH convened a 2-day workshop (HIV-associated CCC, or HIV ACTION). METHODS: A cross-institute NIH planning committee identified 6 key research areas: epidemiology and population research, pathogenesis and basic science research, clinical research, implementation science research, syndemics research and international research in low and middle income countries. Investigators were selected to lead working groups (WGs) to assess the state-of-the-art and identify 3-5 priority areas in each field before the workshop. A 2-day program at the NIH was developed which included presentations by invited experts and WG members. RESULTS: Over 400 participants attended the workshop. After general and individual WG discussions, the most pressing gaps, questions, or proposed action items were identified. Priority lists of pressing research issues were presented by cochairs of each WG. A detailed report is posted at the NHLBI website. This article reports the streamlined priority list and a summary of WG discussions to inform investigators of current priorities in the field. CONCLUSION: Collaborative efforts of many disciplines are needed to improve the health and wellbeing of PWH. Several common themes emerged across WG representing potential priorities for investigators and recommendations for the NIH.