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Bonar EE, Walton MA, Barry KL, Bohnert ASB, Chermack ST, Cunningham RM, Massey LS, Ignacio RV, Blow FC. Sexual HIV risk behavior outcomes of brief interventions for drug use in an inner-city emergency department: Secondary outcomes from a randomized controlled trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2018 Feb 1; 183:217-224.
BACKGROUND: Drug use is an established risk factor for HIV. Brief Interventions (BIs) targeting reductions in both drug use and HIV risk behaviors may help curtail these related epidemics. The present study evaluates the impact of BIs for drug use and HIV risk reduction on sexual HIV risk behaviors among a primarily marijuana-using sample during a 12-month post-intervention follow-up period. METHODS: We conducted a randomized controlled trial of 780 adult patients in an Emergency Department (ED) with past 3-month drug use (primarily non-injecting). This study used a 3?×?2 factorial design (3 ED-based conditions: computer-delivered brief intervention [Computer BI], therapist-delivered, computer-guided BI [Therapist BI], or enhanced usual care (EUC-ED) for drug-using adults; 2 follow-up conditions at 3 months: booster or control). This analysis examines the outcomes of the BIs on sexual HIV risk behaviors at 3-, 6-, and 12-months. RESULTS: Compared to the enhanced usual care control, the combined Therapist BI with booster resulted in significant reductions in scores on the sexual risk subscale of the HIV Risk Taking Behaviour Scale over 12-months, when controlling for baseline sexual risk, gender, and drug dependency status. The baseline interventions alone, booster alone, and Computer BI plus booster did not differ from the comparison group (EUC plus control). CONCLUSIONS: A therapist-delivered BI for drug use and HIV risk behaviors, combined with a follow-up therapist-delivered booster, shows promise for reducing sexual HIV risk behaviors among a primarily marijuana using, non-injecting sample.