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Christy A, Coeytaux R, Goldstein K, Katon J, Shepherd-Banigan M, Williams JW. Nonpharmacologic Treatments for Menopause-associated Vasomotor Symptoms. Spotlight on Evidence-based Synthesis Program; Spotlight on Women's Health [Cyberseminar]. Health Services Research and Development. 2016 Dec 19.
Description: Currently half of the approximately 360,000 women Veterans who use Veterans Health Administration healthcare are perimenopausal or postmenopausal. Due in part to concerns about possible harms from long-term hormone therapy and in part to uncertain efficacy and safety of pharmacologic treatments, many women with VMS seek nonhormonal, nonpharmacologic treatment options. We sought to answer the following question: In women with vasomotor symptoms (VMS) that are associated with perimenopause or postmenopause, what are the effects on VMS, health-related quality of life, and adverse effects of the following nonpharmacologic, nonhormonal interventions: acupuncture; yoga, tai chi, and qigong; structured exercise; and meditation, mindfulness, hypnosis, and relaxation? The goal of this report is to summarize and update the evidence from systematic reviews on selected nonpharmacologic approaches for the treatment of menopause-associated VMS and health-related quality of life. Target audience: researchers studying the care of peri- and postmenopausal women, clinicians who care for them, and administrators who oversee their care.