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Ramalingam S, Pollak KI, Zullig LL, Harrison MR. What Should We Tell Patients About Physical Activity After a Prostate Cancer Diagnosis? Oncology (Williston Park, N.Y.). 2015 Sep 1; 29(9):680-5, 687-8, 694.
A number of observational studies and clinical trials have shown that physical activity after a diagnosis of prostate cancer is associated with a decrease in disease progression and an increase in survival, and that specific exercises reduce morbidity from prostate cancer treatments. However, providers need more guidance on what types of physical activity to recommend to patients across different disease states and treatments in prostate cancer, and when and how to initiate the discussion. In addition to evaluating important studies showing benefits of physical activity in patients with prostate cancer, this review suggests some evidence-based methods for incorporating physical activity interventions into clinical practice.