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HSR Citation Abstract

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Menopause knowledge and subjective experience among peri- and postmenopausal women with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and major depression.

Sajatovic M, Friedman SH, Schuermeyer IN, Safavi R, Ignacio RV, Hays RW, West JA, Blow FC. Menopause knowledge and subjective experience among peri- and postmenopausal women with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and major depression. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. 2006 Mar 1; 194(3):173-8.

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This study examined concerns regarding menopause among women with schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder (N = 30), women with bipolar disorder (N = 25), and women with major depression (N = 36). The three groups were compared regarding knowledge of menopause, expectations of effect of menopause, and menopause-related quality of life. All women had deficits in fund of knowledge regarding menopause. More than half (53.8%) agreed that they felt more stressed due to menopause or approaching menopause, and 51.6% felt that menopause has had a negative effect on their emotional state. Perceptions of menopause effect on emotional states between the three groups were similar. The top five symptoms experienced by women with serious mental illness were all problems related to psychological issues: feeling depressed (88%, N = 80), feeling anxious (88%, N = 80), feeling tired or worn out (87%, N = 79), feeling a lack of energy (86%, N = 78), and experiencing poor memory (84%, N = 76). Larger-scale studies evaluating the effects of menopause on serious mental illness are needed to clarify how menopause affects illness outcomes in women with serious mental illness.

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