Hal Wortzel, MD
Seminar date: 4/25/2023
Description: Behavioral dyscontrol, including both aggressive and disinhibited behavior, frequently complicates the care and management of individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Aggression and disinhibition represent sequelae that are clinically challenging, frequently interfere with rehabilitation efforts, disrupt social support networks, and compromise optimal recovery. This presentation will address: applicable terms and definitions; relevant neurochemistry and neuroanatomy; clinical assessment of behavioral dyscontrol; documentation strategies; treatment options.
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to:
1. Identify and distinguish between various forms of behavioral dyscontrol after TBI, to include agitation, disinhibition, and aggression.
2. Appreciate relevant neurochemistry and neuroanatomy, and implications for management of behavioral dyscontrol.
3. Document behavioral dyscontrol to capture frequency and severity.
4. Demonstrate familiarity with applicable management strategies.
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