Christine Mac Donald, PhD
Seminar date: 6/20/2017
Description: This presentation will cover findings from a prospective, observational, longitudinal research study that has been following service members from the point of injury in combat out to 1-year and now 5-year outcome. Known as the EVOLVE study or ‘EValuation Of mild TBI Long-term outcome in Active-Duty US Military and VEterans’, the effort has focused on elucidating the effects of mild brain injury sustained in combat on outcome and connecting the dots through repeat evaluation over the first 5 years’ post-injury to appreciate functional trajectories following these exposures. Results from both the advanced neuroimaging and extensive battery of neurological, neuropsychological, and psychiatric outcomes collected in these patients will be presented. Intended audience: any medical personnel or interested party who treats service members with brain injury and/or wishes to learn more about the current evidence regarding post-injury co-morbid conditions following mild/concussive brain injury.
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