Stephanie Y Wells, PhD, MS, BA
Durham VA Medical Center, Durham, NC
Durham, NC
Dr. Wells is a Clinical Research Psychologist at the Durham VA Health Services Research & Development (ADAPT). Her research broadly focuses on improving the effectiveness of and engagement in evidence-based psychotherapies (EBPs) for Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Additionally, her research examines how PTSD EBPs can be delivered through various modalities and formats to increase engagement and clinical outcomes. Her HSR&D funded CDA-2 award is examining how to adapt the delivery of cognitive processing therapy and prolonged exposure therapy into an intensive "massed format" (e.g., therapy provided at least three days a week and delivered within a month) within VA PTSD Outpatient Clinics. She hopes to improve PTSD treatment delivery to increase the number of Veterans that are able to receive an adequate dose of PTSD EBPs and complete treatment.
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