Brystana Kaufman, PhD
Durham VA Medical Center, Durham, NC
Durham, NC
Dr. Kaufman is a Health Research Scientist at the Durham VA. She is also Assistant Professor in Population Health Sciences at Duke University, with a joint appointment at the Duke-Margolis Center. Her research objective is to improve the value of care for older Veterans, particularly those with multiple chronic conditions. Dr. Kaufman's current work focuses on improving access to team-based palliative care and integrated care models. Her research evaluates patient outcomes and cost-effectiveness of value-based payment models and novel care strategies that impact seriously ill adults and their caregivers and is dedicated to improving Veterans' health and quality of life by generating knowledge to support VA decision-making as both purchaser and provider of care. Dr. Kaufman received her Master of Science in Public Health and PhD in Health Policy and Management from the Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Prior to joining the Department of Population Health Sciences, she completed a pre-doctoral fellowship at the Duke Clinical Research Institute and post-doctoral fellowship at the Margolis Center for Health Policy.
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