Lead/Presenter: Christine Hartmann, COIN - Bedford/Boston
All Authors:
Hartmann CW, Bedford/Boston COIN; Safety & Quality QUERI; Tyler S, Tuscaloosa VA Medical Media; Snow AL, Tuscaloosa VAMC;
Workshop Objectives:
Short, realistic, story-driven videos have many potential research and quality improvement applications. They can be used to improve intervention uptake, engage intervention participants, and widely disseminate findings. Yet researchers infrequently use videos to their full potential. Barriers include lack of expertise with video creation, unfamiliarity regulations regarding videoing, and lack of experience with script writing. This workshop addresses these barriers. Workshop leaders are a team of an experienced VA medical media videographer and two researchers who have worked together over the past five years to script, film, and disseminate multiple videos for research and quality improvement purposes. Workshop content helps participants maximize their impact for a learning healthcare system.
Participants will spend the majority of the session creating a template for their own video project (real or hypothetical). Faculty will introduce VA regulations around videography. They will also describe various video genres. Participants will view brief video clips from each genre, using faculty-provided assessment criteria to rate the videos according to their own project's needs. Next, participants will divide into small groups to focus on a topic of their choice: (a) creating documentary style videos or (b) writing scripts for dramatized videos. (a) Documentary videos focus on capturing best practices or other aspects of life relevant to a research study or quality improvement intervention by filming subjects in their natural environment. This group will delve into key points such as preparing your video subjects, asking questions off screen, and maximizing impact through editing. (b) Dramatized videos focus on a specific story line, using actors to create a realistic mini-drama. This group will emphasize the fundamentals of script writing, using principles from script writer Robert McKee's acclaimed methods. Each group will be led by faculty members, who will guide participants through the topic's process from fundamentals to planning to operationalization. Participants will emerge from the workshop with a grounded understanding of the power of videos and a practical template for creating their own.
Target Audience:
This workshop targets anyone involved research, quality improvement implementation, or dissemination interested in learning how to plan for and create impactful videos.
Assumed Audience Familiarity with Topic:
Familiarity with video creation is not necessary.