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Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) - Providence, RI

The Providence Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), directed by Dr. Whitney Mills and co-directed by Dr. Jenny Sullivan, is a collaborative effort between the THRIVE Center of Innovation (COIN) and The Leadership Alliance at Brown University.

About the Program

Each year, the THRIVE COIN seeks applications for a limited number of full-time in-person students to join us for a summer research experience as part of the SURF Program. The goal of the SURF program is to increase the interest and readiness of a diverse cohort of students to build careers in health systems, behavioral, clinical, rehabilitative, and biomedical workforce in VA. 

Program Structure

Students spend their summer participating in formal instruction, experiential learning activities, conducting research, and working with their mentor. Student are matched with mentors at the THRIVE COIN based on interests and goals expressed in application and faculty project availability.


  • The SURF Program takes place from early June to early August each year (9 weeks).

Salary and Housing

  • Students receive a stipend of approximately $5,400.
  • Travel costs to and from Providence are covered by SURF
  • Housing is provided through Brown University campus dormitories.

Who is Eligible?

  • Students who are members of historically underrepresented groups, Veterans, and/or living with disability
  • Be enrolled full-time in an accredited public or private college or university in the U.S. or its territories as recognized by the US Department of Education.
  • Be in good academic standing with a GPA of 3.0 or better
  • Completed at least two semesters and have at least one semester remaining of their undergraduate education by the start of the summer program
  • Demonstrated interest and potential to pursue graduate study
  • Documented US citizenship or permanent resident status

Examples of Past Projects:

  • Heroes in Need: The Impact of Homeless Patient-Aligned Care Teams on Homeless Veterans
  • Blast Induced Neurotrauma: the Last Decade of Inquiry and Exploration
  • Identifying Contextual Factors Affecting Long-Term Services and Supports Program Implementation in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: A Rapid Scoping Review
  • From Victimhood to Survivorship: The Potential Utility of Imagery Rehearsal Therapy to Reduce Suicide Risk
  • LGBTQ+ Veterans mental health outcomes: Making visible an underrepresented population
  • An Environmental Scan of Suicide Prevention Resources for Older Veterans served in Primary Care
  • Research Impacting Veterans Using LTSS and Experiencing Transitions (RIVULET)
  • Unlocking the link between limited English proficiency (LEP) and dementia diagnosis: an age of immigration perspective
  • Understanding healthcare inequities: patient experience in disclosing racial and ethnic demographics
  • Unveiling the dangers of masculinity: are gender norms contributing to a higher rate of suicide in men compared to women?
  • The effects of radiation therapy for benign conditions in Veterans: a literature review

Feedback from Students

"My mentors genuinely cared for me and even offered me a position to committees working with them for more research experience - which I happily accepted."

"I developed strategies for and confidence in my public speaking abilities. I now know how to approach non-science people about research, as well as how to address research-related questions I may not have the answer to."

"In presenting my work at various conferences, I also connected with a variety of scholars and medical professionals about my interests in supporting underrepresented groups in medicine and research like Veterans."

Application Information

Applications for SURF are submitted through The Leadership Alliance at Brown. In your application, please indicate your interest in the SURF program and reach out to Sylvia Haigh, MPH ( to alert her to your submitted application.

The application form is available online in November each year, and must be completed by February. Students will be notified of admission decisions throughout February, March, and April.

The online application and complete instructions, as well as frequently asked questions about the application process, are available at The Leadership Alliance website.

Applicants must submit the SR-EIP online application, transcripts, and two letters of recommendation from faculty or others who can attest to the applicant’s overall suitability for a research experience.

About the VA Office of Research and Development (ORD)-sponsored Summer Research Programs (SRPs)

In June 2022, the inaugural VA Office of Research and Development (ORD)-sponsored Summer Research Programs (SRPs) welcomed 115 student participants at 21 VA sites across the country. This three-year pilot program is a cornerstone of ORD's efforts to strengthen and diversify the VA scientific work force by offering research experiences to Veterans, children of Veterans, and underrepresented students. Of note, this first cohort of students included 74 college students, 8 graduate students, 11 high school students, 17 medical students, 3 medical professional students, and 2 VA employees.

To learn more, visit

About The Leadership Alliance

logo the leadership alliance

The Leadership Alliance, founded at Brown University in 1992 as a partnership of 23 institutions, came together to develop underrepresented students into outstanding leaders and role models in academia, business, and the public sector. Today, this consortium has grown to 41 partners and has provided research, mentoring, and networking experiences to over 6000 scholars. The Leadership Alliance uses a time-tested model to leverage its collective resources to address the shortage of individuals from historically underrepresented groups in doctoral training programs, academia, and the broader research workforce.

To learn more, visit

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